Okinawan Shuri Ryu Karatedo

Shu : To Learn From Tradition
Ri : To Transcend or Go Beyond
Ryu : Style or Particular School of Thought

The roots of Shuri-Ryu are in Okinawa, especially in the Shuri-Te karate of Ankoh Itosu and Choki Motobu and the Hsing Yi Chuan of Tung Gee Hsing. Robert Trias, the style’s founder, trained with Tung Gee Hsing, who had cross-trained with Choki Motobu earlier in the Okinawan village of Kume Mura. Tung Gee Hsing taught Trias Hsing Yi (the “Intellectual” Fist) and Shuri Karate Kempo. Later Trias studied with Hoy Yuan Ping, Gogen Yamaguchi, Roy Oshiro, Yasuhiro Konishi, Makoto Gima, and several other teachers. Konishi awarded Trias with the 9th Dan in 1964 and was a prominent student of both Choki Motobu and Gichin Funakoshi. Gima was a prominent student of Funakoshi and awarded Trias the 10th Dan in 1983. Both, Konishi and Gima helped Trias reconstruct the old Shuri-Te system of Okinawan karate with some modifications, hence a new name for the system was designated Shuri-Ryu. Shuri-Ryu also incorporated some Naha katas and methods. Robert Trias, the first person to teach karate in the United States in 1945 in Phoenix, Arizona. He opened the first karate school in the nation in 1946 and formed the first karate organization, the United States Karate Association, in 1948. Other styles of karate related to the Trias-line are Shorei-Goju-Ryu and Shorei-Ryu. In addition to the punches, blocks, and kicks of karate, Shuri-ryu also incorporates joint locks, take-downs and throws, and kobudo (traditional weapons).



I shall conduct myself in a manner which will reflect credit upon myself and society.
I shall be loyal to my school and to the art it teaches.

I shall be honest and exercise integrity with the purpose of developing cooperation and trust with my fellow karate-ka and my teachers.

I shall exercise restraint in the use of my karate knowledge, employing it only in fair competition or in defense of my life, my family, or my country.

Grandmaster of Shuri Ryu Karate Robert A. Trias