Rank Requirements

10th Kyu

  • Forward Stance (Zenkutsu Dachi)
  • High Block (Jodan Uke)
  • Middle Block (Chudan Uke)
  • Low Block (Gedan Barai)
  • Front Kick (Mae Geri)
  • Front Punch (Seiken Tsuki)

9th Kyu

  • Forward Stance (Zenkutsu Dachi)
  • 5 Basic Blocks (Jodan, Chudan, Gedan, Nagashi, Naishu)
  • Straddle stance (Kiba Dachi)
  • Low Block ( Barai)
  • Front Kick (Mae Geri)
  • Front Punch (Seiken Tsuki)
  • Any of the above technbiques listed in a combonation. Minimum of 12 class Hours.

8th Kyu

  • Ippons 1 and 2
  • Sente Exercises 1, 2, 3
  • Mawashi Geri (Roundhouse Kick)
  • Kekomi Geri (Thrusting Kick)
  • Shuto Uke (Knife Hand Block)
  • Kogeki , 3, 6, 7
  • Short punch shift and cover
  • Any of the above technbiques listed in a combonation. Minimum of 24 class Hours.

7th Kyu

  • Taikyoku 1, 2, 3
  • Taezu naru waza 1
  • Kime Dachi Kumite in Kiba and Shiko dachi
  • 5 animal forms and fist forms (the first of each series)
  • 4 self defences
  • Kata Kumite (full speed for 2 minutes.)
  • General Karate knowledge and procedure. Approximately 65 class Hours.

6th Kyu

  • Wunsu Kata with Bunkai (mental, spititual and universal)
  • Sente Exercises 1, 2, 3
  • Jiju undo 2 minutes (self-expression or free exercise)
  • basic ukemi waza (falling techniques)
  • Ippons 1-4
  • Taezu naru waza 1, 2
  • 8 self defenses
  • Kata kumite (full speed for 3 min)
  • 5 animal forms and fist forms (the second of each series)
  • General Karate knowledge and procedure. Approximately 195 class Hours.

5th Kyu

  • Anaku Kata (mental, spititual and universal)
  • All basic blocks, kicks and stances
  • advanced ukemi leg sweeping
  • Ippons 1-6
  • Taezu naru waza 1-4
  • 8 self defenses
  • Kata kumite (full speed for 4 min)
  • 5 animal forms and fist forms (the third of each series)
  • Introduction to nage waza (throwing techniques)
  • General Karate knowledge and procedure. Approximately 245 class Hours.

4th Kyu

  • Naihanchi Sho Kata (mental, spititual and universal)
  • Ippons 1-8
  • Taezu naru waza 1-6
  • 10 self defenses
  • Kata kumite (full speed for 5 min)
  • 15 animal forms and fist forms
  • Introduction to ckoking techniques (Shime waza.) and grappling techniques (Katame waza)
  • General Karate knowledge and procedure. Approximately 300 class Hours.

3rd-1st Kyu

  • Empi sho Kata and Sanchin Kata (mental, spititual and universal for San kyuu)
  • Tsue Sho Kata ( 3 catagories for Ni Kyuu)
  • Bassai Dai Kata ( 3 catagories for IkKyuu)
  • advanced ukemi leg sweeping
  • Ippons 1-10
  • Kihons 1-10
  • Taezu naru waza 1-8
  • 14 self defenses
  • Kata kumite (full speed for 6 min)
  • 5 animal forms and fist forms (the third of each series)
  • Introduction to joint locks (Kansetu waza)
  • Introduction to Zen philosophy and meditation (Kansetu waza)
  • Perfection of Karate knowledge and procedure. Approximately 450 class Hours. May start learning and can perform Go Pei Sho kata and Dan Enn Sho kata

1st Dan

  • Go Pei Sho kata and Dan Enn Sho kata (mental, spititual and universal)
  • Bo ( tai chi tu theory)
  • Ippons 1-15
  • Kihons 1-15
  • Taezu naru waza 1-10
  • 15 self defenses
  • Kata kumite (full speed for 7 min)
  • Knowledge of grappling, choking, joint bending, throwing and falling
  • Knowledge of Zen philosophy and meditation (Soto and Rinzai)
  • Perfection of Karate knowledge and procedure. Perfection of Basic blocks, kicks and stances. Knowledge of teaching principles. Approximately 600 class Hours. Knowledge of mushin (no mind) and Shinnyo